A selection of Policing and Community Safety News including snippets from York Rd PSNI Facebook pages! Scroll down or click a link to continue!
Burnt Car - Police Appeal for Information
Police in North Belfast are appealing for information about a car which was burnt and totally destroyed in the Tigers Bay area.
Police advise this is not being treated as a sectarian incident and they are following a definite line of enquiry.
Tigers Bay Policing & Community Safety Partnership advise all residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity directly to Police
SOCIAL MEDIA - FACEBOOK and TWITTER ORGANISING AND PROMOTING ONE TO ONE FIGHTS Social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook continue to be used as a platform to organise one to one fights between young people from Loyalist and Republican communities. Organised fights through social media can be very dangerous. At times young people from other parts of Belfast have attended these fights, totally unaware of the area they have travelled into. This can often result in sectarian related incidents. At times knives and other items have been found and a number of arrests have been made. Sadly it seems that it will only a matter of time before some young person is either seriously injured or killed as a result of this activity Some residents in Tigers Bay claimed a gang of up to 50 armed republican youths wielding hammers, knives and sticks entered the Tigers Bay area via various flashpoints and proceeded to attack residents and property. Another individual claimed on the radio that the Tigers Bay area was being attacked on a nightly basis by republicans from the New Lodge and Newington areas. Police have advised it did not receive any reports of the incident as described, but had responded to reports of youths gathering to watch a pre-arranged fight between two boys. A police spokesman said that although there were a number of youths present at various locations, “no criminal activity was detected” and police continued to patrol the area. (Contrary to popular belief there are no interface workers employed with the unionist /loyalist areas of the Duncairn area. Communities in this area have moved far beyond the need for "fire fighting" interface workers, as can clearly be witnessed by the significant reduction in sectarian related interface incidents in this area over the last 5/6 years. Community relations projects and partnerships have never been better in the Duncairn area, with Alexander Park, Delaware Shared Housing Complex, Cityside Shared Retail Park and "Events for All" being seen by many as projects of best practice) Clearly, any illegal activity, is an issue that only police can deal with, and as such, communities must support police as the only authority to deal with all form of illegal and criminal activity. Members of Tigers Bay Policing and Community Safety Partnership, after having spoken to senior police, and have been assured that police will monitor this situation. At the same time police would like to reassure all Tigers Bay and Mountcollyer residents, that there is no record or evidence of nightly attacks into Tigers Bay or Mountcollyer from people of the New Lodge or Newington communities. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT POLICE ON either 101 or 999 (in an emergency) IF YOU SEE ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS OR ILLEGAL IN THIS AREA |
ALEXANDRA PARK - THE FACTS! Dispelling the Myths... There have been a number of claims and allegations made in relation to anti-social behaviour arising from the launch/opening of the Alexandra Park Peace gate on the 16/09/2011. Such claims and allegations include almost nightly incidents of ASB involving groups of young people of up to 300 in number who faced up to each other on launch day, to smaller gangs involving youths and individual young people being involved in daily/nightly ASB attacks and incidents.In order to reassure the local communities and growing number of Park users, Alexandra Park steering group, with the support of Tigers Bay & Mountcollyer Policing & Community Safety Partnership, requested information from the Police detailing reported Anti-Social Behaviour incidents associated with Alexandra Park or the immediate area (this is based on all the incidents being linked to the correct geographical location since the peace gate was opened). To this end, please see the following information from police;On 16/09/2011 (the day of the official peace gate launch, by the DOJ minister) there were no incidents of note that have been linked to either Alexandra Park or the immediate area (this is based on all the incidents being linked to the correct geographical location.In the financial year April 2011 /12 there were 9 reports of Anti-Social BehaviourIn the financial year 2012/13 there were 13 reports of Anti-Social BehaviourIn the current financial year 2013/14 there have been 3 reports of Anti-Social Behaviour
DUP MINISTER NELSON McCAUSLAND & SF MINISTER JOHN O'DOWD IN JOINT VISIT TO CURRIE PRIMARY SCHOOL They have been used widely across the UK to address identified behavioural needs within schools and aim to offer a safe and welcoming environment to promote learning and positive behaviours. The ministers visited Currie Primary School in Belfast on Thursday to see how the the Sunshine Room has improved school life for pupils. Announcing the multi-million investment, DUP Minister McCausland said: "Investing in our children from an early stage in their young lives is paramount if, we, as a community, are to provide the necessary support and environment to enable them to thrive and develop. "I have visited a number of piloted nurture units in the past so, to announce £3m of funding today giving financial support to a further 20 units is testament to the hard work and dedication of the teachers and staff who have worked tirelessly and made these nurture units a success. "I have seen at firsthand how the personal time spent with our most vulnerable and young children in these units can not only have an impact on the social development of some of the children but can also have beneficial impact on their parents." Sinn Féin Minister O'Dowd added: "I welcome the opportunity to officially launch the new nurture units and meet some of the children and staff who are involved in this exciting new project. "All our schools have a responsibility for the emotional health and wellbeing of our children - to help build self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities, and to build levels of resilience that will help them cope with situations they may find difficult, not just in school but in later life. "Nurture units can play a key role in tackling under-achievement early in a child's life by providing targeted support to where it is most needed. The units will bridge the gap between home and school and will play a key role in my longer term aim of closing the gap in educational attainment evident in our system." Tigers Bay and Mountcollyer Policing & Community Safety Partnership congratulates Nelson McCausland in securing this essential important investment in the lower north Beltast area
SNIPPETS! 14th February 2014 Bogus Investment and Currency Scheme An initial investigation into what is believed to be a bogus investment and currency scheme which promised clients an unrealistic return, has resulted in the arrest yesterday of a 39 year old woman, a former bank employee, on suspicion of fraud and money laundering offences. It is believed the offences occurred mainly in the Andersonstown area of Belfast but they may have also taken place across Northern Ireland. The woman has been released on police bail, pending further enquiries. Detectives are keen to speak with anyone who has any information which can assist this investigation, or if someone feels that they have been a victim of this type of fraudulent investment scheme to please contact Lisburn CID on 0845 600 800. Or, if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111. Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad |
SNIPPETS! 31st January 2014 251 detected during winter drink drive operation During the 2013/2014 winter anti-drink drive operation, preliminary figures indicate that police detected and arrested 251 motorists for drink driving (down from 273 during 2012/2013 operation). The figure includes motorists who were unfit to drive, or who were unable or refused to give a sample Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad |
MORE SHAMEFUL HATE CRIME IN NORTH BELFAST Yet again we are saddened to report more incidents of hate crime in North Belfast. Cars belonging to four Slovakian and Polish families have been extensively damaged after they were deliberately set on fire in north Belfast. The arson attack, which happened on Whitewell Road on Tuesday night shortly before 10.30pm, is being treated as a hate crime by police.Tigers Bay and Mountcollyer Policing and Community Safety Partnership and the Police are appealing for help from the local community in relation to a number of hate crime attacks on ethnic minority communities.Over recent months there have been attacks on a number of homes which included petrol bombing, criminal damage and intimidation. Unfortunately one family has already left the area (8 Parkmount Street) and the potential exists for more to leave.Can you imagine the impact and fear this has on young children belonging to these families? - It is incredible to think there are people in this area, who actually plan these attacks without one thought given to these children and other victims.This is without doubt the work of cowards and bullies but hopefully, it will only be a matter of time, before these culprits are caught.The partnership is confident that the local community will deliver the names of those responsible to police.Any information, no matter how small, should be reported directly to police on 0845 600 8000 (ask for York Road neighbourhood section) or totally anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. |
SNIPPETS! 24th November 2013 Police are dealing with an increase in street robberies in North Belfast and in particular the theft of mobile phones from persons walking in the area of Antrim Road. Please be aware of your personal security and secure your personal items. Please report any suspicious activity, no matter how insignificant you think it is, directly to Police on 0845 600 8000. Sergeant Brian Caskey Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad |
Community Safety Advice & News
SNIPPETS! 7th November 2013 Police in York Road are appealing for information following the report of a burglary at retail premises in the New Lodge area of Belfast. Sometime between 9pm on Thursday, 31st October and 6.30am on Friday, 1st November, a number of unknown persons entered the premises by knocking through the rear wall of the property. The till was damaged and an amount of cash was taken from it, along with a number of cigarette packets. Police would ask anyone who witnessed this incident or who has any information to contact Police at York Road on 0845 600 8000. Or, if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111 Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad SNIPPETS! 4th November 2013 Sergeant Brian Caskey shouts WINNERS! Well done to Limestone United senior cross community football team who won the Unity Cup Supplementary shield on Sunday . It was great for the team to be invited and come home with a trophy. Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad SNIPPETS! 31st October 2013 Alcohol seized in Alexander Park after youths lit a fire, One person to be reported to PSNI Youth Diversion officer. Alcohol also seized in area of upper Cavehill Road. Fireworks seized in York Park and alcohol seized from underage male on New Lodge Road. Proactive patrols continuing. Follow York Rd PSNI on Facebook for all the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/PSNI.YorkRoad |
Community Safety Advice & News ![]()
Community Safety Advice & News